東遠調味兒童紫菜專門為兒童特製的無鹽無油配方, 小朋友可以方心享用!
Dongwon Seasoned Laver For Kids is specially formulated for kids with a salt-free and oil-free recipe, so children can enjoy it with peace of mind!
包裝: 一件有9包獨立包裝, 每包6g
Packing: 6g/pc with 9pc in each bag
東遠調味兒童紫菜專門為兒童特製的無鹽無油配方, 小朋友可以方心享用!
Dongwon Seasoned Laver For Kids is specially formulated for kids with a salt-free and oil-free recipe, so children can enjoy it with peace of mind!
包裝: 一件有9包獨立包裝, 每包6g
Packing: 6g/pc with 9pc in each bag