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農心牛骨湯大碗麵 | 111g | Nong Shim Big Bowl Sarigomtang

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農心牛骨湯麵以長時間由牛骨和牛肉熬製,以香濃、濃郁的湯味,在香辣味道為主的拉麵市場裡適合於不大會吃辣味的顧客和喜歡柔嫩、香濃湯味的顧客。按照自己喜好可以加配辣白菜,蘿蔔塊泡菜,可以感受到十分正宗的牛腿骨味道。 This ramyun brings the flavor of the traditional premium dish, beef bone soup , which was once a meal fit for the king. It is recommended for those who cannot eat spicy ramyun or those who like the smooth and delicious taste of broth soup as it has a rich and delicious broth soup taste through boiling beef bone and meat amidst the mainstream spicy flavor in the market for ramyun.

Product Details


This ramyun brings the flavor of the traditional premium dish, beef bone soup , which was once a meal fit for the king.

It is recommended for those who cannot eat spicy ramyun or those who like the smooth and delicious taste of broth soup as it has a rich and delicious broth soup taste through boiling beef bone and meat amidst the mainstream spicy flavor in the market for ramyun.

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