內藏山覆盆子酒 | 360ml | Naejangsan Bokbunja Wine (16% alc/vol)




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以內藏山的覆盆子為原材料, 以神秘的釀造方法, 完全地將果味與酒融合。 酒精濃度: 16% 功效: 含維生維A、B、C、E、安基酸、有機酸, 可抗衰老、增強免疫力及加快血液中的膽固醇分解和代謝, 更是天然抑癌神器。 含有多種果酸、類黃酮, 能降血脂、抑血糖、降血壓。 味道: 果味濃郁, 偏甜, 容易入口 Made from the raspberries and combines the fruity flavor with alcohol through a mysterious brewing process. Alcohol content: 16% Benefits: It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, amino acids, and organic acids, which can help fight aging, boost the immune system, and accelerate the breakdown and metabolism of cholesterol in the blood. It is also believed to possess natural anti-cancer properties. It also contains various fruit acids and flavonoids, which can lower blood lipid levels, suppress blood sugar, and reduce blood pressure. Taste: Rich in fruit flavor, slightly sweet, and easily enjoyable.


以內藏山的覆盆子為原材料, 以神秘的釀造方法, 完全地將果味與酒融合。
酒精濃度: 16%
含維生維A、B、C、E、安基酸、有機酸, 可抗衰老、增強免疫力及加快血液中的膽固醇分解和代謝, 更是天然抑癌神器。
含有多種果酸、類黃酮, 能降血脂、抑血糖、降血壓。

味道: 果味濃郁, 偏甜, 容易入口

Made from the raspberries and combines the fruity flavor with alcohol through a mysterious brewing process.
Alcohol content: 16%
It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, amino acids, and organic acids, which can help fight aging, boost the immune system, and accelerate the breakdown and metabolism of cholesterol in the blood. It is also believed to possess natural anti-cancer properties.
It also contains various fruit acids and flavonoids, which can lower blood lipid levels, suppress blood sugar, and reduce blood pressure.

Taste: Rich in fruit flavor, slightly sweet, and easily enjoyable.

