農心辛辣辣雞味麵是以雞湯為基礎, 再加上辛辣麵的調味, 帶出雞香味同時香辣的完美配搭。
1. 在煲中煮沸550ml水
2. 煮沸後放入麵餅,辣味調味料包, 配料包及蔬菜包,續煮4分30秒
3. 關火後即可食用
Nong Shim Shin Spicy Chicken Flavor Noodle is using by chicken base with shin spicy to carry out the a smoothy chicken soup with spicy flavour.
How to cook:
1.Boil 550ml of water
2. Add the noodles, spicy powder, soup base and vegetable flakes
3. cook for 4mins 30s stirring occasionally
4. Remove from heat and serve.